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雅思词汇解析(92)| 历史与传统


July 4, 2024

2雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. tangible/'tæn(d)ʒɪb(ə)l/

adj. 可触摸的;可触知的;可感知的

e.g. Historic buildings are the tangible representation of our cultural heritage and identity.

e.g Sculpture is a tangible art form.

如对比paper books 与 e-books

One of main benefits of printed books is their tangible nature. There is something different about holding a physical book in your hands, feeling the weight, flipping through the pages, and smelling the ink and paper.

2. replicate /'replɪkeɪt/

v. 复制;重做;使复现

e.g. The unique architectural style and craftsmanship of some historic buildings cannot be replicated.

e.g. The sensory experience the printed books offer cannot be replicated by e-books.

e.g. It is challenging to replicate the authentic flavor of traditional dishes in a modern kitchen.

补充:authentic adj. 真正的;地道的

3. rite /raɪt/

n. 传统的仪式,典礼

e.g. This festival descends from a religious rite.

e.g. For many Chinses families, Reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve has become a cherished rite.

剑桥听力14-2-4: Many ancient civilizations developed rites such as dances in order to make the weather gods look kindly on them.

题目:Many cultures invented _______and other ceremonies to make the weather gods friendly.


ceremony 在原文中替换:rite

补充:rite of passage 【象征人生重要转变的】新阶段仪式

e.g. The graduation ceremony is a rite of passage for many students.

e.g. The coming-of-age ceremony is a significant rite of passage that is celebrated with much fanfare.

补充:coming-of-age ceremony 成年礼

4. overshadow /əʊvə'ʃædəʊ/

v. 使显得逊色;使黯然失色

E.g. The popularity of some lucrative career options has overshadowed the traditional ones. for example, the traditional craftsmanship, such as woodworking or blacksmithing, has seen a marked decline in interest among the younger generation.

e.g. Western holidays have gained enormous popularity, which has overshadowed the significance of traditional holidays.

常见搭配:feel overshadowed by 使显得无足轻重;

e.g. She felt overshadowed by the success of her brother.

如话题对比:individual sports 和team sports

e.g. One problem with team sports is the lack of recognition, where some team members may feel overshadowed by the exceptional performances of one or two top players.


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